Adjustment Factors
ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR DESIGN VALUESDesign values obtained by the methods described earlier should be multiplied by adjustment factors based on conditions of use, geometry, and stability. The adjustments are cumulative, unless specifically indicated in the following:
The adjusted design value Fb‘ for extreme-fiber bending is given by
Fb= design value for extreme-fiber bending
CD= load-duration factor
CM =wet-service factor
CCt =temperature factor
CL =beam stability factor
CF =size factor—applicable only to visually graded, sawn lumber and round timber flexural members
Cv =volume factor—applicable only to glued- laminated beams
Cfu= flat-use factor—applicable only to dimension- lumber beams 2 to 4 in (50.8 to 101.6 mm) thick and glued-laminated beams
Cr= repetitive-member factor—applicable only to dimension-lumber beams 2 to 4 in (50.8 to101.6 mm) thick
Cc =curvature factor—applicable only to curved portions of glued-laminated beams
Cf =form factor
For glued-laminated beams, use eitherCL or Cc (whichever is smaller), not both.
The adjusted design value for tension Ft‘ is given by
Ft is the design value for tension.
For shear, the adjusted design value Fv‘ is computed from
Fv is the design value for shear and CH is the shear stress factor ?1—permitted for Fvparallel to the grain for sawn lumber members.
For compression perpendicular to the grain, the adjusted
design value Fc1‘is obtained from
Fc1‘= Fc1CDCtCb
Fc1is the design value for compression perpendicular to the grain and Cb is the bearing area factor.
For compression parallel to the grain, the adjusted design
value isFc‘
given by
Fc is the design value for compression parallel to grain and Cp is the column stability factor.
For end grain in bearing parallel to the grain, the adjusted design value, Fg‘ is computed from
Fg‘= FgCDCt
Fg is the design value for end grain in bearing parallel to the grain.
The adjusted design value for modulus of elasticity, E’ is obtained from
where E= design value for modulus of elasticity
CT= buckling stiffness factor—applicable only to sawn-lumber truss compression chords 2*4 in(50.8*101.6 mm) or smaller, when subject to combined bending and axial compression and plywood sheathing 3 /8 in (9.5 mm) or more thick is nailed to the narrow face
C..= other appropriate adjustment factors
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